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Construction Professionals, CPPL logo

Dunearn Secondary School

Dunearn Secondary School project is an upgrading to the existing Dunearn Secondary School which comprises the addition of a new Indoor Sports Hall and Admin and Special Teaching Block, as well as extension to all existing blocks. A Flexible School Infrastructure (FlexSI) Framework is implemented to allow the school infrastructure to be more flexible in supporting teaching approaches that better engage students. The school is designed to support a VI(i,e, Visual Impairment) Curriculum. With community sharing in mind, connectivity is enhanced between the different strategic zones. The architectural concept is to reinforce the school identity as the "Diamond at Bukit Batok". This is done by conserving the existing Admin Block behind the new Admin and Special Teaching Block with the slate- like façade. The architectural experience, synonymous with entering a 'diamond cavern', is crafted by a double volume entrance concourse and an expansive long canopy.

LOCATION: Bukit Batok West Avenue 2, Singapore


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